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About Metro Arts

Komîsyona Hunerê ya Metro Nashville an "Hunerên Metro" nivîsgeha Huner + Çand e ji bo Nashville û wîlayeta Davidson. Em bawer dikin ku huner civakek zindîtir û wekhevtir dimeşîne. Em hewl didin ku pê ewle bibin ku hemî Nashvillian bi rê ve bigihîjin jiyanek afirînerveberhênanên civakê,perwerdeya hunermend û rêxistinî,hunera giştî û hevrêziya cîhê çêkirina afirînerû bernameyên rasterast ên ku niştecîhan di hemî şêweyên huner û çandê de beşdar dikin.

Updates on FY25 Grants (General Operating & Thrive)

We are happy to report that the Metro Council approved the FY25 Grant and Funding Policies on January 21, 2025. You can find updated information, FAQs, and important documents on the Operating and Thrive pages. This grant cycle is for applications that were submitted in January 2024. You can expect more information about FY26 in the coming weeks.


We know that the delays in funding have caused hardship for artists and the communities they serve, and we deeply regret the challenges you have faced because of these delays and the lack of communication from Metro Arts. The Metro Arts Commission is committed to ensuring that future grant cycles are free of these kinds of delays, and that artists receive the communication and support they need to succeed.


Please review this information update and FAQ about the policies, new guidelines, and what to expect. 

Please read this Fiscal Sponsorship FAQ if you are a Thrive applicant or if you are a nonprofit organization that may be interested in serving as a fiscal sponsor.

Art in Nashville

Nashville's Public Art Collection can be found all over the city. From imaginative outdoor seating to playful bike racks, from skyscraping sculptures to vibrant library walls, Metro Arts is on a mission to bring art to all the spaces Nashvillians live, work, and play.

We're adding even more artwork to the city collection this summer! Find Metro Arts around Nashville by following us on socials and signing up for the Arts Alert!

Icon with Stained Glass_McGrew_sm copy

Icon with Stained Glass_McGrew_sm copy

Emergence_Jackson_2013_Irvin_HiRes (2)

Emergence_Jackson_2013_Irvin_HiRes (2)

Shelves 01

Shelves 01

OnAir_Griffith_Pellerin_2013_Irvin (1)

OnAir_Griffith_Pellerin_2013_Irvin (1)

Intersection Rails 05

Intersection Rails 05

HandlebarMoustache_Colt_2014_Irvin_HiRes (1)

HandlebarMoustache_Colt_2014_Irvin_HiRes (1)

Capital_Tidwell_2010_Layda (1)

Capital_Tidwell_2010_Layda (1)



Describe your image

Reflection_Argent_2013_Irvin_HiRes (1)

Reflection_Argent_2013_Irvin_HiRes (1)



Tomato Pride

Tomato Pride





Road To The Mountaintop, Thornton Dial.

Road To The Mountaintop, Thornton Dial.

Describe your image

Jardines de Hershey_Jibacoa_Cuba

Jardines de Hershey_Jibacoa_Cuba



Ghost Ballet, Alice Aycock

Ghost Ballet, Alice Aycock

Describe your image

Batman 2, Michael Nott.

Batman 2, Michael Nott.


Zêdetir fêr bibin ka em çawa civakê bi the huneran ve girê didin.

Komîsyona Hunerê ya Metro Nashville an "Hunerên Metro" nivîsgeha Huner + Çand e ji bo Nashville û wîlayeta Davidson. Em bawer dikin ku huner civakek zindîtir û wekhevtir dimeşîne. Em hewl didin ku pê ewle bibin ku hemî Nashvillian bi rê ve bigihîjin jiyanek afirînerveberhênanên civakê,perwerdeya hunermend û rêxistinî,hunera giştî û hevrêziya cîhê çêkirina afirînerû bernameyên rasterast ên ku niştecîhan di hemî şêweyên huner û çandê de beşdar dikin.

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Huner ji butçeyên dewletê li seranserê Amerîka qut dibin. Li Tennessee, em bextewar in ku çavkaniyek dravdana zêde heye. Dahata zêde ya ku em jê distînintaybetmendî û firotina plakeya şexsîji bo fînansekirina hunerên li Tennessee-yê girîng bûye. Zêdetirî 70% ê dravê ku ji bo fînansekirina 800+ alîkariyên ji Komîsyona Hunerî ya Tennessee sala borî hatî bikar anîn ji firotina van lewheyên taybetmendiyê bû.

Piştgiriya Hunerî bi Plateya Lîsansê ya Taybetî

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